A New Look for leargas.ie

A New Look for leargas.ie

Let us know your thoughts on our new look!

We are delighted to bring a new look and new structure to our website, leargas.ie, to reflect the new Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps cycles for 2021 to 2027. Whether you want to explore the opportunities available to you, are currently running a European project, or are interested in the impact of European programmes – there’s a section of the site for you!  

New to our programmes? 

Start with Explore Opportunities on our homepage 

Thinking about applying?  

Take a look at Create a Project on our homepage 

Managing an Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps Project?  

Visit Manage Your Grant   

Interested in training or professional development? 

Explore Training and Events 

Want to learn more about impact?  

Read and watch our Impact Stories  

As you explore the site you will also notice the refreshed Léargas logo. Our logo was designed to symbolise exchange, with different cultures – represented by the two rectangles – meeting to create shared experience – represented by the spirals taking different paths to a mutual centre. We have updated it with smoother lines and a contemporary look, but that spirit of exchange remains at the heart of our logo, and at the heart of our work.  

We’d love to hear your comments on the new site. Let us know what you think on our social channels or at comms@leargas.ie!