Léargas issues a call for trainers in the fields of youth, education, training, early years and volunteering
Léargas welcomes applications from experienced trainers in the fields of youth, education, training, early years and volunteering to become a member of our Trainers Panel.
The “Léargas Trainers Panel” comprises professional, experienced trainers and educators with sector-specific knowledge and competencies. The panel’s purpose is to provide high-quality training to support Léargas’ activities in Ireland and Europe in the context of EU Programmes, including Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps.
Applicants selected to join this panel must be committed to engaging with Léargas to deliver high-quality training and must adhere to the criteria set out by Léargas in the relevant contracts and guides.
Léargas regularly renews its panel of trainers to support our work. The panel of Trainers will form the core training body to facilitate and implement training activities on behalf of Léargas.
Key Requirements- The trainer should demonstrate key competencies/experience in the delivery and facilitation of a wide variety of training experiences for our target audience
- Ability to communicate the values and priorities of European Cooperation and EU Programmes through their work for Léargas;
- Deliver and develop TCA (Training and Cooperation Activities), NET (Networking Activities), Special Training and Evaluation Cycle (STEC) Activities (for volunteers) and various themed training workshops/events;
- Develop and facilitate online and face-to-face training events that draw on experiences, expertise, and creativity;
- Deliver specific sessions or workshops on behalf of Léargas, acting as experts and key resource persons with youth organisations, schools, vocational training, adult education and volunteering organisations/individuals.
- Ability to increase participants’ understanding of international collaboration and EU programmes.
- An interest in motivating and empowering participants to incorporate international collaboration and EU programme activities in their work.
- Promote the concept of intercultural competencies and transnational collaboration at national and European levels.
- Demonstrate experience and innovation in designing and delivering online/in-person training sessions.
- Produce reports, analysis, and documentation of activities as required.
- Always provide professional and quality service.
- Expert knowledge and experience in thematic areas are desirable, for example, in the areas of Digitalisation, Inclusion and
- Diversity, Sustainability, Partner-finding, Arts, Policy, and Active Citizenship.
- Sector expertise in one or more of the following areas; Youth, Education, Early Years Volunteering, NGOs, Further Education and Training, including Irish and International Policy developments
Membership of the training panel does not guarantee the offer of contracts. Contracts to implement training activities to panel members are offered according to the needs of Léargas and relevant expertise, which can vary depending on the field.
Applicants must:
- Reside in the Republic of Ireland.
Be over the age of 18.
Commit to building and maintaining knowledge of Erasmus+/ European Solidarity Corps Programmes. - Selection Process
Applicants are asked to submit a letter of interest and CV outlining relevant experience related to the requirements to cmartin@leargas.ie by 5 pm 28th February 2023.
Candidates will be interviewed by Léargas and may be asked to develop and present a training programme based on a case study.
A standard fee is in place for certain specific training