European Commission Launch Erasmus+ and ESC Evaluations
Shape the Future of Erasmus+ and ESC
The European Commission is conducting an evaluation of two of its flagship initiatives: the Erasmus+ Programme and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). This evaluation is a critical step in understanding the impact and effectiveness of these programmes across Europe, and we are inviting all those who participated to share their experience.
Check out the evaluation details for each programme below and submit your response by 11th March 2024.
Erasmus+ Programme Evaluation
As an important part of the evaluation, we need to know the views of everyone (young people, students and staff) who have participated in Erasmus+ since 2018. We’d also like to know the impact of the programme on organisations, including those who have participated in partnership projects.
Complete the Erasmus+ Evaluation Form. This survey will take 5 minutes.
European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Evaluation
As an important part of the evaluation, we need to know the views of participants (e.g. volunteers), sending organisations and hosting organisations.
Complete the ESC Evaluation Form. This survey will take 5 minutes.
Confidentiality: Please be assured that your feedback will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and is being collected on behalf of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science.
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