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The Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps October Call is now open!
The next deadline for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps applications is 04 October 2022 at 11:00am Irish time.

Call for European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ Youth experts and evaluators
Léargas wishes to add to our panel of external experts and evaluators for the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ Youth in Ireland, for the period 2022 to 2027. We invite applications from suitably qualified and experienced independent experts to carry out quality assessments of applications and reports in the fields of volunteering and youth.

All Aboard! 200 young people on track for European opportunities
A specially chartered train departed from Dublin’s Heuston Station this morning, welcoming over 200 young people aboard as part of All Aboard, a European Year of Youth (EYY) initiative to raise awareness of local, national and European opportunities available to young people in Ireland.

ECML website supporting the linguistic integration of refugees from Ukraine
Léargas advice for European projects involving travel to Ukraine and Russia, February 2022

European Innovative Teaching Awards 2022
The call for applications for the European Innovative Teaching Award 2022 is now open!

Advice for Projects Involving Travel to Ukraine and Russia
Léargas advice for European projects involving travel to Ukraine and Russia, February 2022

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps 2022 Programme Guides & Deadlines
The application deadlines and programme guides for the 2022 Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Programmes are out now!

Catch up on the Léargas Forum 2021
If you missed the Léargas Forum on 16 November 2021, you can catch up with our handy YouTube playlist! Learn about the projects and priorities that make up our programmes, and hear from diverse organisations across Ireland that have benefitted from taking part in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps.

Erasmus+ Schools Week 2021
We’re delighted that Erasmus+ Schools Week is back for 2021. From 22 to 26 November, we’ll be celebrating all primary and post-primary schools involved in Erasmus+ by exploring how European programmes can benefit students, teachers and schools; and focusing on this year’s theme, the Language of Diversity.

New Horizons – Léargas Forum 2021
Join us on 16 November from 10:00 for the annual Léargas Forum. Moderated by Euronews Journalist Méabh McMahon, we have a busy morning planned with inspirational discussions and workshops.

Erasmus+ KA2 Deadline Extended to 5 November
The Erasmus+ deadline has been extended to 11.00am Irish time on 05 November. Find out more here.

New Study on the Impact of European Work Placements on Vocational Learners from Ireland
We are delighted to publish our new three-year strategy for Léargas covering 2021 to 2023. Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD launched the Strategy along with our Executive Director Lorraine Gilligan and Erasmus+ participant JJ Clarke.

Minister Simon Harris Launches Léargas Strategy Statement 2021-2023
We are delighted to publish our new three-year strategy for Léargas covering 2021 to 2023. Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD launched the Strategy along with our Executive Director Lorraine Gilligan and Erasmus+ participant JJ Clarke.

Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Survey
Have you got 20 minutes? Help us improve our Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps communication, support and training so that more young people benefit! Complete our survey by 17 September!

A New Interactive Online Learning Module on International Youth Work
Léargas and the National Youth Council of Ireland in collaboration with Maynooth University have developed a new interactive online learning module on international youth work, YouthWork and You.