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Call for Expressions of Interest for Youth Advisory Group
Léárgas are seeking expressions of interest from young people (ages 18-25) to join our Youth Advisory Group to provide insight and feedback on the best ways for our team to communicate about the fantastic programmes and projects administered by Léargas.

Impact of the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria on the implementation of the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps
The earthquakes that hit the vast territories of Türkiye and Syria on 6 February 2023 will have a major impact on the implementation of numerous projects financed by Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps. The European Commission has confirmed that Léargas have the possibility to apply the force majeure as defined in the grant agreement for projects and mobilities facing difficulties due to this disaster. performance issues affecting the application forms for the ERASMUS+ KA2 Submissions, and after analysis of the options, the European Commission is extending the Call 2023 round 1 deadline from 22 March 2023 at 12h00 Brussels time to 24 March 2023 at 11h00 Irish time for the following applications:

Technical issues Erasmus+ KA2 submission and deadline extension for small-scale and cooperation partnerships
Due to the continuing technical performance issues affecting the application forms for the ERASMUS+ KA2 Submissions, and after analysis of the options, the European Commission is extending the Call 2023 round 1 deadline from 22 March 2023 at 12h00 Brussels time to 24 March 2023 at 11h00 Irish time for the following applications:

Call for Expressions of Interest for Research Panel Members
Léargas is establishing this Researcher Panel to aid the gathering and sharing of evidence of the impact of our work. Members of the panel will be invited to express interest in undertaking discrete pieces of funded research related to our work across this period.

Sheachtain Na Gaeilige agus Léargas
Tá an-áthas ar Léargas Seachtain na Gaelige a cheiliúradh in 2023 agus cuid de na tionscadail Ghaeilge iontacha a bhfuil baint acu lenár gcláir a chur ar taispeáint.

Léargas issues a call for trainers in the fields of youth, education, training, early years and volunteering
Léargas welcomes applications from experienced trainers in the fields of youth, education, training, early years and volunteering to become a member of our Trainers Panel.

2023 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals Now Open!
The Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2023 and the 2023 Programme Guide are now available!

Léargas Award Winners Celebrated at The Gathering
At The Gathering on 10 November 2022, Léargas celebrated the winning projects of three different but interlinked initiatives: eTwinning National Quality Label, the European Language Label, and the European Innovative Teaching Award.

Léargas appointed the National Agency for Erasmus+ Sport
We are delighted to announce that in 2023 we will manage the Sport field of Erasmus+ Mobility in Ireland! In 2023 staff in the field of grassroots sport in Ireland can apply for Erasmus+ mobility projects The first deadline will be 23 February 2023!

Participation in Erasmus+ increases teachers’ motivation and job satisfaction
The Léargas report on the impact of Erasmus+ mobility projects on Irish schools has found that staff who participated in opportunities such as training and job shadowing in other European countries reported improvements in skills such as collaboration, leadership, analytical problem-solving and creativity, as well as increases in motivation and job satisfaction.

SALTO Awards 2022 Nominations Call is now open!
It is time to start nominating inspirational and quality projects for the SALTO Awards 2022! Let’s recognise the great work being done and inspire young people, decision makers and applicants of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps to have an even greater impact!