Youth@Work Fair – Tools for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship

23-27 June 2025 | Budapest, Hungary

The Youth@Work Fair – “Tools for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship” is designed as an interactive event, providing a space for exchanging educational tools and methods that support youth economic participation, with special attention to social inclusion. Throughout the event, participants will have the chance to share tools and methods of their own making or learn from fellow youth workers, trainers, educators, and other professionals supporting youth employability and entrepreneurship.

The Youth@Work Fair – “Tools for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship” aims to contribute towards cross-sectoral collaboration and dissemination of know-how for the support of social inclusion of young people through employability and entrepreneurship related activities. To maximise the exchange and learning between participants, this Youth@Work event will be a combination of interactive and practice/tool-sharing sessions, inspirational keynote speeches, tool market, and study visits.