ECML Workshop: Unlocking educational opportunities in sign languages in Europe

15-16 May 2025 | Graz, Austria

The ECML is pleased to announce a two-day workshop in Graz, Austria, dedicated to sign languages in Europe.

The workshop will focus on reviewing and developing guidelines, recommendations, and resources for policymakers and education professionals working with vulnerable sign language learners. This includes deaf signers with refugee and migrant backgrounds, deaf children and their families, and heritage signers.

Participation costs:

Participants will have their travel expenses paid by the ECML and will receive a lump sum allowance of €160 (one hundred and sixty euros) per activity day towards accommodation, subsistence expenses and local transport.

Participants travelling by air should arrange their journeys by the most economical route using, if possible, tickets at reduced rate (excursion, PEX, low-cost airline tickets, etc). Travel expenses will only be reimbursed upon presentation of documentary evidence of the sum actually paid (invoice, copy of a credit card slip, etc). This evidence of the expenditure should be attached to the claim form for reimbursement together with the relevant travel tickets (plane, train, etc).

Participants needing a visa for Austria should obtain it before their departure. The Council of Europe will reimburse visa costs of participants up to an amount of €43.60 (forty-three euros and sixty cents).

Registration: To register for the workshop, please read the description, fill in the application form and return it to by 28 March 2025.

All candidates will be notified about the results by 11 April 2025.