Partnership Finding
Good partnership is the key to a successful European project. While National Agencies don’t
to look for and connect with partners that are right for you!Where to Start
Think about the themes of your project. What kind of partner can best help you achieve your project goals? What experience or expertise do they need? Are there specific countries or regions you should connect with? Put together a short ‘wish list’ to focus your search.
If you work in Adult Education or Vocational Education and Training, you can look for or request partners on EPALE Partner Search.
Youth organisations can look for or request partners on OTLAS, a partner-finding tool operated by the SALTO-YOUTH network.
eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, and others) working in schools to communicate, collaborate, and develop projects.
Search Informal Partner-finding Networks
There are many informal and unofficial networks dedicated to connecting partners, often on Facebook or LinkedIn. Those below have been running for several years. However, neither Léargas nor the European Commission are involved in running these sites, and are not responsible for the content.
Erasmus+ Partner Finding (Facebook)
Search Participating Organisations
Organisations that have already taken part in European projects may be interested in partnering with you.
The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform shows all current and completed Erasmus+ projects, and the partners involved. You can browse the platform by country or by keyword, or a combination of both.
You can also search Programme Results for projects led by Irish organisations since 2021.
The Value of Partnership: Vicki's Story
Use Your Networks
Have other organisations in your sector been involved in international projects? Could they put you in touch with their partners, or recommend someone?
Social media is a good place to ask for recommendations. Many project partners have first connected through sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
National Agencies across Europe organise funded international meetings called Transnational Cooperation Activities, or TCAs. They encourage collaboration and sharing of good practice in Erasmus+. Some events, called Contact Seminars, are designed for finding partners and developing project ideas. Visit Training and Events to look for upcoming opportunities.
If you are outside Ireland, contact the National Agency in your country to find out about TCAs you can apply for.
Build the Relationship
Once you’ve made a connection, take the time to build a solid relationship with your partner. You might ask what projects they have been involved in before, and what they learned from them. What are their aims and objectives for a new project? What are their preferred ways to communicate?
Download our handbook Mythbusting: European Project Management in Transnational Partnership Projects for guidance on building a strong partnership.
Upcoming Events
- Event Date: Wed Jan 22nd
- Location: Ireland
- Mode: Online
- Registration Deadline: 21.01.25
- Audience: VET, School, Adult Ed, Youth
- Register Here
- Event Date: Wed Jan 22nd
- Location: Ireland
- Mode: Online
- Registration Deadline: 21.01.25
- Audience: Erasmus+, VET, Adult Education, School Education, Youth
- Register Here
- Event Date: Wed Jan 22nd
- Location: Ireland
- Mode: Online
- Registration Deadline: 20.01.25
- Audience: Youth organisations/projects, community groups, NGOs, Informal groups of young people
- Register Here
- Event Date: Wed Jan 22nd
- Location: Ireland
- Mode: Online
- Registration Deadline: 22.01.25
- Audience: Erasmus+, School Education
- Register Here
- Event Date: Thu Jan 23rd
- Location: Ireland
- Mode: In-person
- Registration Deadline: 22.01.25
- Audience: EPALE, Adult Education
- Register Here
- Event Date: Fri Jan 24th
- Location: Ireland
- Mode: Online
- Registration Deadline: 23.01.25
- Audience: Youth Organisations/projects, community groups, NGO
- Register Here