Erasmus+ Adult Education Mobility

The European Union programme Erasmus+ funds Adult Education projects across Europe. This is both to provide learning opportunities to individuals, and to support the internationalisation and institutional development of adult education organisations.  Developing Adult Education in this way will contribute to achieving the wider goals of the European Union, like the European Education Area and European Skills Agenda.

There are two main types of Erasmus+ Adult Education projects, ‘Learning Mobility for Individuals’ and ‘Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices’. This page explains what an organisation can do on an Adult Education Mobility project and how to get involved. You can then sign up to our newsletter or come to an information session to find out more.

If you want to apply for funding, you will need to be familiar with the priorities of Erasmus+. You will also need to read the Adult Education Mobility section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide to understand the programme rules.

What is an Adult Education Mobility Project?

A ‘Mobility’ project is where an Adult Education organisation sends its learners or staff to another country to train or learn, to go on a teaching assignment, or to job-shadow. The organisation applies for funding to prepare and manage the project, and for the costs of travel and participation. Extra funding is available to include those with fewer opportunities. The minimum time a project can last is six months.

Who Can Take Part in a Mobility Project?

Any organisation in Ireland that provides Adult Education, or is otherwise active in Adult Education, can apply to Léargas for funding. This can include libraries, museums, prisons, NGOs and community education organisations. Download the list of all eligible organisations for 2024.

Both Adult Education staff and learners can take part in Mobility projects. ‘Adult Education staff’ means teachers, trainers, and other non-teaching experts and staff in Adult Education.

For an Erasmus+ Mobility project, Adult Education learner’ means “Any adult learner who is no longer in initial education or training and is returning to, or participating in, some form of non-vocational continuing learning (formal, non-formal, informal) or who experiences educational disadvantage or other obstacles that impacts their participation in a learning programme”. This is the definition provided by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.


What Happens on a Mobility Project?

A Mobility project involves Adult Education staff or learners travelling to another Erasmus+ programme country. This could mean:

  • Individual or groups of Adult Learners going to another country for peer learning, work-based learning or other innovative learning
  • Staff teaching or training at a partner organisation
  • Staff participating in courses or training abroad
  • Staff job-shadowing in a partner organisation
  • An organisation hosting invited experts, teachers or trainers.

What is the Funding for a Mobility Project?

Erasmus+ funding is available to contribute to costs in distinct categories. These categories are the same for both short-term and accredited projects. The information here gives you an idea of the funding categories available, but you must check the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for full details.

  • Organisational Support – preparing and managing all phases of the project
  • Travel – return travel costs from participants’ homes to the venue of the activity (for example, where they will work or attend a course)
  • Individual Support – ‘subsistence’ costs of participants (for example, food and accommodation)
  • Inclusion support – additional funding to enable people with fewer opportunities to take part
  • Preparatory visits – for visits to hosting organisations before the ‘mobility period’ takes place
  • Course fees – for training course enrolment fees
  • Linguistic support – for language learning materials and training, where needed
  • Exceptional costs – Such as costs for providing a financial guarantee, if the National Agency asks for it; or expensive travel costs (for example, when a participant is travelling to or from a very remote place).

There is no set amount of funding for an Adult Education Mobility Project. It is decided by the quality of the project planned, and the amount of funding available. As a guideline, in 2020 projects received funding from €11,000 to €56,000.  See Guide to Your Funding for budget allocations in 2021.



Four Ways To Get Involved

Option 1


Apply for a one-off project lasting six to 18 months.

Option 2


Become an ‘accredited’ organisation with an ‘Erasmus Plan’, and apply for a series of projects over several years.

Register Now
Option 3


Join an existing mobility consortium led by another organisation in Ireland


Option 4


Host participants from another country – this is a good way to create partnerships and learn more before applying.


How Does an Organisation Find Courses and Partners?

The Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, EPALE, is a great source of information for identifying courses or project partners. Experienced peers in Adult Education organisations in Ireland will also be help to with recommendations. Visit our Funded Projects section (link to funded projects section) to see which organisations have previously taken part.

What Happens Next?

Once the project is planned, the organisation can submit an online application before the deadline. The application requires a lot of detail and organisations should allocate at least six weeks to plan and write it.

Léargas evaluate applications using strict Erasmus+ criteria. We contact applicants with our decision three months after the deadline. If your project is funded, the organisation receives a large proportion of the funding at the start of the project. The organisation then carries out the project and submits a Final Report on its progress. The remainder of the funding is paid when this Final Report is approved.

Application Deadline!

Click here for more information on Erasmus+ Adult Education Mobility deadlines

Deadlines – Leargas


Key Events

KA122 Short-term Projects Application Clinic – Adult Ed & VET

KA122 Short-term Projects Application Clinic – Adult Ed & VET

Get help with your KA122 Short-term Project Application in Adult Ed & VET sectors at our online clinic!

Deadline: 02.09.24
KA210 Application Support for 1st October Deadline – Drop In Q&A

KA210 Application Support for 1st October Deadline – Drop In Q&A

An informal session for last minute questions before the Key Action 210 Small Scale Partnerships deadline.

Deadline: 22.09.24
Adult Education Erasmus+ Info Session

Adult Education Erasmus+ Info Session

This event will give you an overview of the three types of projects you can apply for as an Adult and Community Education organisation in Ireland.

Deadline: 22.08.24
KA120 Accreditation Application Clinic – Adult Ed, Schools and VET

KA120 Accreditation Application Clinic – Adult Ed, Schools and VET

Get help with your KA120 Accreditation Application in Adult Ed, Schools, and VET sectors at our online clinic.

Deadline: 09.09.24
Adult Ed Key Action 1 Accreditation Application Support – Drop In

Adult Ed Key Action 1 Accreditation Application Support – Drop In

An informal session for last minute questions before the October 1st deadline.

Deadline: 23.09.24
Adult Ed Key Action 1 Short Term Projects Application Support – Drop In

Adult Ed Key Action 1 Short Term Projects Application Support – Drop In

An informal session for last minute questions before the October 1st deadline.

Deadline: 23.09.24

Latest News


Meet The Team

Jemma Lee

Senior Support and Development Officer, Adult Education KA1 & KA2, Project Support KA2 (01) 8871208

May Diamond

Operations Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871215

Ronan Ivory

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871211

Stephen Gilligan

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871218

Bronagh Hanlon

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871234