European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)

Take part in innovative language projects and workshops at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz, Austria

What is the European Centre for Modern Languages?

The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) is an institution of the Council of Europe based in Graz, Austria. Its mission is to encourage excellence and innovation in language teaching and to help Europeans learn languages more effectively.

How Can the ECML Benefit Me?

The ECML is committed to exploring and promoting new methods in language teaching and learning. It acts as a catalyst for reform in the teaching and learning of languages by:

  • focusing on the practice of the learning and teaching of languages
  • promoting dialogue and exchange among those active in the field
  • training multipliers (people who share and promote ECML practices at local level)
  • supporting programme-related networks and research projects.

In cooperation with leading European specialists in the field, the ECML initiates and coordinates four-year programmes that provide the framework for innovative projects and activities. These projects are embedded in ongoing policy developments and have addressed key challenges in language learning.

Previous programmes examined:

  • Languages for social cohesion (2004-2007)
  • Empowering language professionals (2008-2011)
  • Learning through languages (2012-2015)
  • Languages at the heart of learning (2016-2019)
  • Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences (2020-2023)

The current theme is Language education at the heart of democracy (2024-2027).

ECML projects are practitioner-led, so they can address and respond to the real needs of a Europe which values language learning. The geographic diversity of participants brings fresh perspectives to meeting challenges in language teaching and learning.

I’m Interested! What Now?

If you work in the field of languages, then there is an opportunity for you to get involved with the ECML.

Language Education: Before each four-year cycle begins, the ECML issues a call for proposals from experienced professionals in language education for projects in their area of expertise.

Workshops: Other language professionals can get involved in selected projects by participating in workshops and sharing the results with others in their field. Ireland can nominate one participant per workshop. The ECML covers part of the costs (ie. fees and travel) for participants at language workshops.


Upcoming opportunities 

ECML Summer Academy: Inspiring Innovation in European Language Teacher Education. 

The ECML is pleased to announce that it will hold a one-week Summer Academy for teacher educators working in the field of languages in Graz, Austria. 

Event Date: 30 June – 4 July 2025 

Participation costs: 

Participation at the Summer Academy is free of charge. Travel costs will be covered by the ECML, but  participants will need to cover their own accommodation costs  and will be expected to stay for the duration of the course. Pre-booked hotel accommodation close to the location of the summer academy can be made available upon request. 

Registration: To register for the Summer Academy, please read the description, fill in the application form and return it to by 18 April 2025. 

All candidates will be notified about the results by 23 May 2025. 

For updates on upcoming events please subscribe to the Léargas mailing list  here. 

European Centre for Modern Languages CLIL Training Session

Get a taster of a recent ECML session on 'CLIL and Beyond: Pluriliteracies for Deeper Learning'

Play video about European Centre for Modern Languages CLIL Training Session Play video about European Centre for Modern Languages CLIL Training Session

Upcoming Languages Opportunities

ECML Summer Academy: Inspiring Innovation in European Language Teacher Education

ECML Summer Academy: Inspiring Innovation in European Language Teacher Education

ECML Summer Academy: Inspiring Innovation in European Language Teacher Education

Deadline: 18.04.25
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