Manage Your Grant

Our Programme Finance and Operations team are here to help you manage your grant from when you receive your contract, or ‘grant agreement’, right up until the Final Report on your project.

Our Programmes Support and Development team are there to help with monitoring and managing the quality aspects of your project.

Our Communications team can help you promote your project and share the results and impact as they happen.

Manage Your Grant


1. Contract

You receive your contract or ‘grant agreement’ with all the details of your project grant, and the first portion of your grant.

2. Project Management Day

We host Project Management Days to guide you through managing your grant.

3. Project Officer Details

You will be assigned a Project Officer from the Programme Finance and Operations and Programmes Support and Development teams, who will be your main contact throughout the project.



Learn About Contracting

1. Mobility Tool or Beneficiary Module

Use the Mobility Tool or Beneficiary Module to record details of any participants who go on mobilities.

2. Interim Report

You may have to submit a report half-way through the project on your progress. You may also receive another portion of your grant. Check your grant agreement to see if you have to submit an Interim Report.

3. Quality Management

Use our Project Management Handbook to help you carry out a high-quality project

4. Desk Check

We work with you on ‘Desk Checks’ to ensure all financial aspects of the project are in order.

Learn About Monitoring

1. Communicate

Identify your audience and key stakeholders, and keep them up to date about your project.

2. Track Impact

Identify the changes you want to see happen, and track progress towards achieving these changes.

Learn about Sharing

1. Final Report

Submit a Final Report to Léargas when you complete your project. You will receive the last portion of your grant when the Final Report is approved.

2. Evaluate and Follow Up

Evaluate the successes and the lessons learned.

Learn About Reporting

Do you need to amend your project?

Here you can find all the necessary resources to make changes to your grant agreements and projects. To get started, we recommend downloading the relevant Change Amendment Request Form. Take some time to review it carefully, submitting as per instructions outlined in each of the forms.

Please keep in mind that in certain cases, you may need to complete additional documentation. The specific requirements for these documents are outlined in each Change Amendment Request Form. You can download the required files from this section. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Below, you’ll find a list of the available Change Amendment Forms and Other relevant documents:


Change Amendment Forms:


Other Documents:


Feel free to explore and download the necessary forms and documents for your specific needs. We’re here to help you throughout the process.

2023 KA1 projects in Adult, School and Vocational Education - Templates Between Participants and Beneficiaries

Annex 6  to your grant agreement includes templates between participants and beneficiaries.

Here you will find both Word and PDF versions of these templates available for download:

Word Document Versions:

Template 1 – Learning agreement-AE-SCH-VET

Template 1a – Learning agreement complement- AE-SCH-VET

Template 2 – Learning programme for group activities- AE-SCH-VET

Template 3 – Learning programme by an invited expert- AE-SCH-VET

Template 4 – Grant agreement with participants- AE-SCH-VET

PDF Versions: 

Template 1 – Learning agreement-AE-SCH-VET

Template 1a – Learning agreement complement- AE-SCH-VET

Template 2 – Learning programme for group activities- AE-SCH-VET

Template 3 – Learning programme by an invited expert- AE-SCH-VET

Template 4 – Grant agreement with participants- AE-SCH-VET

Europass Mobility Template available here: Europass Mobility Supplement Template Documents | Europass

Please note that obligatory supporting documentation is defined in your grant agreement and particularly in Annex 2 to the grant agreement – Applicable rules to eligible costs. This obligatory supporting documentation is defined for both individual and group mobilities and we strongly recommend that the above templates are used to evidence both individual and group mobilities.

Grant agreement with participants (Template 4) is compulsory for some types of individual mobility activitiesthese are listed in Annex 2 to your grant agreement. Please ensure that the template is used for these activities as lack of it may result in mobilities deemed ineligible.

Where Grant agreement with participants (Template 4) is obligatory, both Learning Agreement and Learning Agreement Complement must be also used as they constitute annexes to the Grant agreement with participants. For a Learning agreement you may use either Template 1 or draft your own learning agreement. When drafting your own learning agreement please ensure that compulsory elements, as listed on the last page of the Grant agreement with participants (Template 4), are included’.

For those individual mobility activities for which Template 4 is not listed as a compulsory document, different documentation can be used to evidence learning outcomes including Europass Mobility.

2024 KA1 projects in Adult, School and Vocational Education and Youth - Templates Between Participants and Beneficiaries

You are due to receive your 2024 Erasmus+ KA1 grant agreement.  Annex 6  to your grant agreement includes templates between participants and beneficiaries. 

Here you will find both Word and PDF versions of these templates available for download: 

Word Document Versions:

AE-SE-VET Europass Learning agreement and certificate of learning outcomes 

AE-SE-VET Europass Group learning programme 

AE-SE-VET Learning programme provided by an invited expert 

SE AE VET Grant Agreement with participants 2024  

KA182 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation

KA182 – Participant Proof of Attendance – Sample

KA155 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation

KA155 – Participant Proof of Attendance


KA152-153-154 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation

Inclusion support examples

PDF Versions: 

AE-SE-VET Europass Learning agreement and certificate of learning outcomes 

AE-SE-VET Europass Group learning programme 

AE-SE-VET Learning programme provided by an invited expert 

SE AE VET Grant Agreement with participants 2024  

KA182 – Participant Proof of Attendance – Sample

KA182 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation

KA152-153-154 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation


KA155 – Participant Proof of Attendance

KA155 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation

Inclusion support examples

Excel Spreadsheets of timetable & sign-in-sheet: 


KA152-153-154 Participants Sign-in sheet

Please note that obligatory supporting documentation is defined in your grant agreement and particularly in Annex 2  to the grant agreement – Applicable rules to eligible costs. This obligatory supporting documentation is defined for both individual and group mobilities and we strongly recommend that the above templates are used to evidence both individual and group mobilities. 


2024 ESC51 Projects – Templates for use between Beneficiaries and Volunteers - Volunteering Agreement

You are due to receive your 2024 European Solidarity Corps grant agreement.  Annex 4 to your grant agreement will include a template for the volunteering agreement to be used between your organisation and the volunteers. This template is also available for download in this section, as both Word and PDF file  

Word Document Version:

Annex 4 – Template for agreements between beneficiaries and participantsVolunteering agreement 

PDF Version:

Annex 4 – Template for agreements between beneficiaries and participantsVolunteering agreement 

Additional templates available for download:

Word Document Versions:

ESC51 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation

ESC51 Participant Proof of Attendance

ESC51 Proof of Pocket Money

PDF Versions:

ESC51 -Inclusion Support Declaration for Organisation 

ESC51 Participant Proof of Attendance

ESC51 Proof of Pocket Money

Excel Spreadsheet: 

ESC30 Timesheet Template for Coaching Costs



Tips From The Team

Decorative Image for Launch of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps

Principles of Writing an Erasmus+ Plan

In this blog Elva Duggan shares on how the principles of writing an Erasmus+ Plan

The Erasmus Plan and Your Strategy Journey

In the second of three posts, Elva Duggan from our Programme Support and Development Team offers advice for organisations writing an Erasmus Plan. This is based on guidance in “Go International: a practical guide on strategic internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training.”

Is Your Organisation Eligible for Erasmus Accreditation?

If you regularly carry out Erasmus Mobility projects, then you know the benefits Erasmus has for your organisation and learners. You’ve built up experience, your organisation has capacity, and you intend to get involved in 2022.  So how can you prepare to hit the ground running in the new year?  Did you know that you… Continue reading Is Your Organisation Eligible for Erasmus Accreditation?


Meet The Team

Weronika Gasior

Head of Operations and Finance Team (ACTING) (01) 8871228

Ed Butler

Senior Operations Officer (01) 88712 59

Serina Walsh

Senior Finance Officer (Risk) 01 8871239  

Emmanuelle Place

Senior Finance Officer (Acting), Erasmus+ Youth & European Solidarity Corps (01) 8871207

Ronan Ivory

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871211

Stephen Gilligan

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871218

Bronagh Hanlon

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871234

Norma Jean Kenny

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871226

May Diamond

Operations Officer, Erasmus+ Adult Education, School Education & VET (01) 8871215

Nicola Sherry

Operations Officer, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps (01) 8871212

Carlos Barceló

Operations Officer, Erasmus+ Youth & European Solidarity Corps (01) 8871235

Seána Sweeney

Operations Officer, Erasmus+ Youth & European Solidarity Corps (01) 8871237

Violetta Aucone

Finance Officer, Erasmus+ Youth & European Solidarity Corps (01) 8871216

Emma Székely

Support Officer (01) 8871246