European Year of Skills
2023 is The European Year of Skills (EYS). It is all about recognizing skills development and helping people gain skills for employment, enrichment, and enjoyment. To celebrate the EYS, Léargas have focused on capturing impact stories, and showcasing how EU programmes promote a life-long learning mindset. Some stories were shared at our annual flagship event, The Gathering; others you can hear by watching our Skills for Life video. We've also launched an exciting Skills for Life competition (open until August 2023). Visit our News section for all the details!
Upcoming Training and Events

Pole Position for Green Skills: Your Erasmus+ pit stop in Spielberg
This contact seminar brings together Erasmus+ VET project coordinators to foster networks and develop future mobility projects for learners and staff, with a special focus on Green Skills, the sustainable competencies that are becoming increasingly vital in VET.
- Event Date: Sun Apr 27th
- Location: International (EU subsidised)
- Mode: In-person
- Registration Deadline: 21.03.25
- Audience: VET
- Register Here

Short Study visit in Turkiye: Grassroots sports
This study visit is a chance to gain a better understanding of grassroots sports and share best practices with peers across Europe.
- Event Date: Sat May 3rd
- Location: International (EU subsidised)
- Mode: In-person
- Registration Deadline: 02.04.25
- Audience: Sports Staff, Youth Workers who have an interest in Sport, Youth and Sport Coaches coaches
- Register Here

Belarusian Youth Work
This event will provide a platform to connect, exchange, and build cooperation between European and Belarusian youth organizations.
- Event Date: Mon May 12th
- Location: International (EU subsidised)
- Mode: In-person
- Registration Deadline: 23.03.25
- Audience: Erasmus+, Youth
- Register Here

INFORM: AL (INFORM: Adult Learning) Empowering Non-Traditional Adult Educators to Unlock the Full Potential of Erasmus+
The event aims to provide adult educators and learners with essential knowledge and skills necessary for the successful organisation and participation in high-quality mobility projects. Additionally, this event aims to assist organisations in attracting learners to the programme.
- Event Date: Tue May 13th
- Location: Ireland
- Mode: In-person
- Registration Deadline: 21.03.2025
- Audience: Erasmus+, Adult Education
- Register Here

Study Visit: Sustainable and creative green models involving young people
Curious to discover green and sustainable initiatives in FR speaking part of Belgium & discuss with colleagues? Eager to talk about your youth realities, but also see if things are adaptable to your action field? Then this study visit is for you!
- Event Date: Tue May 13th
- Location: International (EU subsidised)
- Mode: In-person
- Registration Deadline: 22.03.25
- Audience: Erasmus+, Youth
- Register Here

ECML Workshop: Unlocking educational opportunities in sign languages in Europe
The ECML is pleased to announce a two-day workshop in Graz, Austria, dedicated to sign languages in Europe. The workshop will focus on reviewing and developing guidelines and resources for policymakers and education professionals working with vulnerable sign language learners.
- Event Date: Thu May 15th
- Location: International (EU subsidised)
- Mode: In-person
- Registration Deadline: 28.03.25
- Audience: Sign Language

DiscoverEU April 2025 Deadline
The next application round of DiscoverEU will take place between 2 April – 16 April 2025. Read on to learn more!
European Innovative Teaching Awards
Castleconnell National School's Story